
BioEyrie is a specialized microbial consortia to solve specific industrial effluent treatment issues. Use of BioEyrie dose by the industries in their existing ETP can achieve up to 90% reduction in COD and BOD of the effluent.

BioEyrie - Textile Specialized microbial consortia to remove the dye colours in the textile industries.

BioEyrie - CETP Specialized microbial consortia to be added to the aeration tank of CETP to reduce COD and BOD.

BioEyrie - O&G Specialized microbial consortia to remove oil and grease from the effluent streams and it also helps in COD and BOD reduction.

BioEyrie - Custom SYF Biotech customizes a microbial consortia for pharmaceutical, chemical, tannery, distilleries, pulp and paper, dairy, food processing, dye and intermediates and petroleum industry’s effluent to reduce COD and BOD.

BioEyrie - Chlorides Specialized microbial consortia to remove chlorides from the effluent streams and it also helps in COD and BOD reduction.